Devotional music can be a hit-or-miss prospect at the best of times, so when one comes across a winner, it’s an occasion for rejoicing. Here, providing such an occasion, is Donnie McClurkin’s …AGAIN, which sets subtly religious lyrics against the restrained and tasteful backdrop of small group and choir. As a former protege of gospel giant Andrae Crouch, McClurkin puts his grounding to good use with a collection of songs for all emotional seasons, from the unworthy sinner personified in “Create in Me a Clean Heart” to the uplifting encouragement of “Yes You Can.” There’s an example of the pastor in action live on the sanctified “Holy,” while on the monumental “I’m Walking,” he’s even confident enough to delve into Jamaican dancehall territory. On this showing McClurkin has enough charisma to fill a dozen churches.